This website is Pennsylvania’s job searching website.
It serves Job Seekers, Employers, and Training Providers of all kinds.
Job Seekers can…
search for employment
register to comply with UC requirements
apply for disability services through the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
explore career pathways and complete skills assessment
learn about veterans’ services… and more!
Employers can….
post their available positions
report their new hires
access labor market information
search for candidates in our resume database… and more!
Need Help?
If you are having difficulty creating an account on PA CareerLink®, access our step-by-step registration guide here.
If you need assistance creating or posting your resume to your PA CareerLink® account, access our resume guide here.
If you are looking to get more custom search results on PA CareerLink®, try this guide.
For further assistance, please stop by PA CareerLink® Lackawanna County or call us at (570) 963-4671.